H3ll0 !!! hey, so I thought It would be a good idea to put my flickr up here. well..I mean..I dunno, but it's not like it;s a bad idea or anything so. but anyways. If yuh dint know, Im a photographer...I really love it and enjoy it and stuff. so yeahhhhh=)
now I know this isn't the best thing or w3hatever, and I have no dates and stuff. but so what.
I am writing about Dick Cheney’s VERY ILLEGAL assassination squad.
Dick Cheney, former vice president, had been running an illegal assassination squad that had been reporting DIRECTLY to him, and his office. So Dick Cheney had hired people to KILL foreign civilians…
I feel personally that that is OH SO WRONG! And he should be charged with some sort of murder crime….or war crime or whatever..
and I guess he…or they, had a list of “suspected terrorists” that they where targeting.
So, he had them ordered dead. DEAD! That’s crazy, to me at least..But I mean how can you do something like that. I mean, I guess if you’re the vice president of the United States of America, then you get away with it…???..maybe? but how?, My question is HOW?,I mean it was top secret….and for good reason I guess…Cuz if people knew, oh boy just imagine...But I mean really. I certainly wouldn’t be able to get away with that, with having a list of people I wanted dead..like KILLED..DEAD..MURDERED….not that I would EVER EVER EVER even try to do something that horrific and awful and terrible…and trust ME, I’m pretty damn sneaky if I want to be…and I’ve gotten away with a plenty of things…
So ttell me how Dick Cheney gets away with this?...Damn..I mean REALLY!?
That’s incredible. The god damn VICES PRESIDENT gets away with this sort of terrible murder. He gets to have a list of names of people to be executed, people with lives..with children, with husbands and wives and so much more…Look can YOU imagine…let’s just say…one of your friends...or…or one of your relatives….or acquaintances or ya’ know whatever..anyone killed..for what!? For ‘suspected terrorism’ But not just killed, Murdered!!!
There is a very big difference. And It makes me really sad, to live in a Country where people with power get away with wrongful murder, when lover class or poor people will get charged with ‘assault with a deadly weapon’ and locked up when their defending them self. Or get charged with ‘unlawful possession of marijuana’ for having like a gram or two of pot. But when the big guys up in power get to, basically do what ever they want….or feel. But that is a really scary thing.
Hi,Im diiana..
Um..I don't write too often..I sorda try to keep a journal..like in a book..not online and I struggle with that..
But um..I'm going to try to write things for this..cus i suppose thats the point.
But I play guitar and have written a few songs..I've written poems before..Im really no good at them tho..and I don't really like em.
but yeah.
about me..Hmm...Im a sophomore..I go to a democratic, private, non-coursive school..Um,I love Music and art. those our my two biggest passions..Im an artis..I just loove art so much,I have since i was a child..Im a photographer..[check out my photos @ flickr.com/diananotyou]
Umm..I don't really know what to say..
But uhhm.maybe I'll come back and write more later.